Find DJs and bands in Room 3 (Wylam’s room) this year at IMBC 18. Below is the roster. Also look out for pop-up live acts in Victoria Baths and aural entertainment curated by room sponsors – each room, as ever, shall have its own feel.

Find DJs and bands in Room 3 (Wylam’s room) this year at IMBC 18. Below is the roster. Also look out for pop-up live acts in Victoria Baths and aural entertainment curated by room sponsors – each room, as ever, shall have its own feel.
Here are this year’s IMBC talks and tastings at Victoria Baths. Book your places in advance to avoid disappointment (all but one tasting have tickets linked below) – there may be tickets available at each session for tastings. But maybe not.
THE FOOD VILLAGE powered by iZettle
Indy Man Beer Con has chosen iZettle to be the exclusive payment provider for Indyman 2018, this means you will have the option to pay using contactless at all token booths and across our Food Village. Less time in the queue and more time enjoying beer!
Beers are joy, beers are great, but I’ve got more than beers on my plate.
We’re not JUST beer at IMBC. Sure, beer is our lifeblood but we like to offer some high grade non-beer options at the festival to cater to everyone’s needs. This year we’re especially pleased with the non-beer line-up. Here it is…
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We aren’t just a beer festival, oh no. We like music and things that aren’t beer too so we look to put together a bit of entertainment to pair with whatever you’re drinking. Music to drink beer by, if you will. Here is our music line-up for IMBC 17. Find all of the below in ROOM 3 (AKA Siren Craft Brew’s lair). Here we go…
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You know what goes well with beer? Food! No, really. Trust me on this one. It’s pretty much the perfect pairing. You should try it! Here are the independent traders who shall plying you throughout IMBC 17. Eat the following…
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Thursday 28th September – Sunday 1st October 2017
At IMBC time each year we like to lay on a few outer Victoria Baths experiences to get you in the beery mood. This year we are exciting to announce that we have the following events happening at our bars. As ever we wanna throw the net wider and get some great beer happenings going on city-wide that you can enjoy before and after IMBC – if you’re a pub / bottle shop / other and you want us to include your event in our programming, get in touch! Search for the latest additions to what’s going on by searching #IMBC17Fringe.
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